A quick personal project I did for fun to try and make an artistic but function item. Sculpted in Zbrush and prepped for 3D printing in Blender. Printed on my Ender 3
Voronoi Lampshade

A freelance project that was a foray into more a more generative, procedurally driven workflow for creating models. It required a number of iterations to get right especially with the dimensions and getting the voronoi tessellation to print out easily.
Aero Car

A 3D Print Ready Aero Car model with just the exterior. Unfortunately it was the final & last Aero car. A part of a series of roadable flying cars designed by Moulton Taylor, but this particular one unfortunately never entered production. The 3D printable files are available here, Aero Car. It was also one of the first models I got to model partly in virtual reality with Gravity Sketch. The paradigms are really different to traditional 3D modelling but the power of the toolset is undeniable, being able to 'physically' interact with your design makes a huge difference in the concepting and blocking out phases.
Nissan Bluebird 3D Printable Model

A 3D Print Ready Nissan Bluebird Bathurst model I worked on in Blender as part of a freelance project. It's one thing to model a car, it's an entirely different thing to try and make it 3D printable. A significant portion of this project was figuring out how to make the model 3D printable, test prints and failure. With dark boolean magic and alot of patience waiting for Blender to load I managed to complete it. The 3D printable files are available here, Nissan Bluebird Barthust. It was also one of the first models I got to model partly in virtual reality with Gravity Sketch. The paradigms are really different to traditional 3D modelling but the power of the toolset is undeniable, being able to 'physically' interact with your design makes a huge difference in the concepting and blocking out phases.
Wolf School Witcher Medalion

A witcher 3 medalion I modelled in Blender as a test print with my 3d printer to figure out dimension accuracy and how to assemble parts together. Printed in white PLA plastic and spray painted silver. The modelling was a fun challenge.